Sunday, February 21, 2016

زنی که چاق ترین انسان تاریخ شد + عکس

زنی که چاق ترین انسان تاریخ شد + عکس

زنی که چاق ترین انسان تاریخ شد + عکس
این روزها تناسب اندام به یکی از اصلی ترین دغدغه های افراد در جوامع مختلف تبدیل شده است اما در این مطلب با زنی آشنا می شوید که رکورد سنگین ترین زن جهان را به خود اختصاص داده بود.
به گزارش ایران ناز کارول یاگر در سال 1960 به دنیا آمد اما زندگی کوتاهی داشت و در 34 سالگی از دنیا رفت. علت اصلی مرگ کارول نارسایی کلیه و چند عضو حیاتی دیگر بود که بخاطر اضافه وزن زیاد اتفاق افتاده بود.
زنی که چاق ترین انسان تاریخ شد + عکس
او در سنگین ترین وزنش به ۷۲۷ کیلوگرم رسیده بود و تا چندین سال قادر به هیچ حرکتی نبود! هرچند که تلاش های زیادی صورت گرفت و توانست در سه ماه چیزی حدود 250 کیلوگرم وزنش را کاهش دهد اما این اقدامات فایده ای نداشت و در نهایت در سال 1994 از دنیا رفت.

ناشناخته ترین پرنده جهان در افغانستان

ناشناخته ترین پرنده جهان در افغانستان!!

ناشناخته ترین پرنده جهان در افغانستان!!
محققان موفق شدند زیستگاه یکی از ناشناخته ترین و گوشه گیرترین پرندگان جهان به نام چکاوک پهن منقار نیزار را در افغانستان کشف کنند.
محققان انجمن محافظت از حیات وحش دانشگاه کوتنبرگ سوئد اعلام کردند منطقه زندگی این گونه از پرندگان را در منطقه ای دور افتاده به نام تنگه واخان در شمال شرق افغانستان که توانسته است از تاثیرات مخرب جنگهای داخلی و خارجی در امان بماند، کشف کرده اند.
این محققان با استفاده از رصدهای میدانی، نمونه های موزه ای، توالی دی ان ای و سیستمهای شناسایی صوت موفق به کشف این گونه از پرنده و تایید این کشف به واسطه گرفتن و رها سازی 20 نمونه از آنها شدند. تا کنون هیچ گروه تحقیقاتی توانایی دسترسی به این تعداد از این گونه پرنده را نداشته است.
بر اساس گزارش AP، اولین گونه از این پرنده برای اولین بار در سال 1867 کشف شد و نمونه دومی با فاصله ای زیاد و در سال 2006 در کشور تایلند دیده شد. به همین جهت تقریبا هیچ نوع اطلاعاتی در رابطه با این پرنده در اختیار محققان قرار ندارد و از این رو کشف زیستگاه این پرندگان که تعداد زیادی از آنها را در خود گنجانده از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است.

رازهای تقویت جنسی مردان

تقویت جنسی مردانه.
در کنار غذاهای اصلی ، مواد غذایی زیر می‌توانند تاثیر زیادی بر افزایش قوای جنسی در مردان داشته باشند .
مهمترین عامل در فعالیت جنسی مردان قدرت و مدت ماندگاری نعوذ است . برای این منظور سلامت سیستم جریان خون الزامی است بنابراین پیشگیری از بیماریهای موثر بر رگها از جمله دیابت و چربی خون بالا ضروری است. پس تا می‌توانید از انواع میوه ، سبزیجات ، حبوبات و پروتئینهای ساده مصرف کنید .
آب انار:
بر اساس پژوهشهای انجام شده ، میزان اختلال نعوذ در مردان بدنبال مصرف آب انار به میزان قابل توجهی کاهش پیدا کرده است . برای رسیدن به میزان مطلوب ، باید روزانه یک لیوان آب انار طبیعی نوشید . این نوشیدنی در فصل پاییز براحتی در دسترس است اما در دیگر فصلها می‌توان از رب انار استفاده کرد. شربتی با غلظت دلخواه از رب انار تهیه کنید و روزانه یک لیوان از آن را بنوشید . هرگز از آب انار غافل نشوید .
میگو سرشار از عنصر روی است و سبزیجات برگ پهن مثل کاهو مقدار زیادی اسید فولیک دارند. گوجه فرنگی و لیمو ترش با مقادیر بالای ویتامین ث و روغن زیتون با ویتامین ای مکمل مناسبی برای این سالاد هستند. این سالاد با رساندن مواد لازم قدرت اسپرم سازی را افزایش می‌دهد. از همین جا به آقایان توصیه می‌کنم خسیس بازی را کنار بگذارند و با مصرف حداقل هفته‌ای یکبار از این سالاد هم قوای جنسی خود را تقویت کنند و هم بقیه اعضای خانواده را با این دسر خوشمزه به شعف آورند .
سوپ جو :
جو باعث افزایش هورمون تستوسترون در مردان می‌شود . اشتباه نکنید ؛ این افزایش هورمون در مردان اتفاق می‌افتد و در خانمها هیچگونه تاثیر هورمونی ندارد. هورمون تستوسترون برای افزایش میل جنسی لازم است . این سوپ اگر با برخی سبزیجات معطر بخصوص نعنا و ترخون تهیه شده باشد بسیار مقوی‌تر خواهد شد .
اسفناج :
آیا کارتون ملوان زبل را دیده‌اید؟ در مردان می‌توان چنین اثری را ( البته کمی خفیف‌تر ) دید . این سبزی سرشار از منیزیوم است که باعث گشاد شدن رگهای خونی می‌شود. به این ترتیب جریان خون اندام تناسلی قدرت لازم برای نعوذ را تامین می‌کند .
لیمو ترش :
این میوه خوش عطر و طعم ، با تامین ویتامین ث کافی ، تاثیر بسزایی بر تولید و تحرک سلولهای اسپرم دارد. به این ترتیب کیسه منی در مدت زمان کوتاهتری پر شده و میل جنسی را افزایش می‌دهد .
زغال اخته :
این میوه ترش و خوشمزه دارای فیبرهایی است که مانع از جذب کلسترول در دستگاه گوارش می‌شود . در نتیجه احتمال رسوب این چربی در رگها کاهش می‌یابد و کمک موثری بر افزایش جریان خون خواهد بود . علاوه بر این اثر طولانی مدت ، تاثیر کوتاه مدتی بر جریان خون دارد که بعضی از متخصصین تغذیه از آن بعنوان ویاگرای طبیعی نام برده‌اند .
عسل :
رسیدیم به یکی از شگفتیهای طبیعت . ماده‌ای که حاصل فرایندی ساده بر روی شهد گلها در بدن زنبور عسل است . انسان با وجود پیشرفت غیر قابل انکار تکنولوژی هنوز نتوانسته است عسل مصنوعی بسازد. عسل با داشتن انواع ویتامینهای گروه ب می‌تواند در تولید هورمون تستوسترون موثر باشد. پژوهشها نشان داده‌اند که ماده‌ای حاوی عنصر بور در عسل وجود دارد که جریان خون و میل جنسی را در مردان افزایش می‌دهد .
تهیه کننده حیدر علی امیری

kidney functions عمل گرده ها.

گردها   kidneys
The kidneys perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels. The diagram below shows the basic structure of the kidney.
The kidneys receive blood through the renal artery. The blood is passed through the structure of the kidneys called nephrons, where waste products and excess water pass out of the blood stream, as shown in the diagram below. 

When the venom induces clotting, the fibrin is deposited in the tubules. As the tubules are blocked, the kidneys are not able to remove the same amount of waste products from the blood, and urea and cretinine begin to accumulate in the blood. If these chemicals are not removed, the concentrations become lethal.

When the kidneys are not functional, dialysis becomes necessary to save the victim. In dialysis, the blood passes through an external membrane which allows waste products from the blood to pass out of the blood and into the dialysis fluid. Because of the rate of buildup of the waste products, it may be necessary to perform dialysis as many as 3 times per week.


Ammonia is neurotoxic. Marked brain damage is seen in cases of failure to to eliminate urea through the kidneys. The result of either of this event is a buildup of circulating levels of ammonium ion. Aside from its effect on blood pH, ammonia readily traverses the brain blood barrier and in the brain is converted to glutamate via glutamate dehydrogenase, depleting the brain of a-ketoglutarate. As the a-ketoglutarate is depleted, oxaloacetate falls correspondingly, and ultimately TCA cycle activity comes to a halt. In the absence of aerobic oxidative phosphorylation and TCA cycle activity, irreparable cell damage and neural cell death ensue. In addition, the increased glutamate leads to glutamine formation. This depletes glutamate stores which are needed in neural tissue since glutamate is both a neurotransmitter and a precursor for the synthesis of g-aminobutyrate, GABA, another neurotransmitter. Therefore, reductions in brain glutamate affect energy production as well as neurotransmission. [12]

Friday, April 24, 2015

اسکلت بدنskeleton

انجام حرکات بدن در یک جانور پرسلولی فقط بر عهده ماهیچه‌ها نیست و جانوری که تنها از ماهیچه‌های خود برای حرکت کردن استفاده کند، حرکاتش بسیار کند خواهد بود. در عوض جانورانی که برای ماهیچه‌های خود تکیه‌گاهی دارند حرکتشان هم به نسبت سریع است این تکیه‌گاه را اسکلت می‌نامند. جانوران دارای اسکلت خارجی معمولا جثه‌های کوچکی دارند. در عوض امروزه بزرگترین جانوران کره زمین مانند فیل دارای اسکلت داخلی هستند جنس اسکلت داخلی از استخوان یا غضروف و یا هر دو باهم است.

ویتامین هاvitamin

معمولا میوه‏ها و سبزیجات منابع اصلی ویتامین‏ها هستند 


هیچ فکرش را کرده‌اید اگر عضلات‌تان را از شما بگیرند، چه شکلی می‌شوید؟ اصلا می‌توانید بدون عضلات‌تان و صرفا با تکیه بر استخوان‌هایتان بایستید؟ عضلات علاوه بر کمکی که به ایستادن‌ می‌کنند، در راه رفتن هم به کمک‌مان می‌آیند. ماهیچه‌ها علاوه بر حرکت، مخزن گلیکوژن (شکل ذخیره‌ای قند) هم هستند که به موقع از آن مخزن نیز استفاده می‌شود.

فیزیولوژی حجره physiology of cell

فیزیولوژی حجره
عریف علم فیزیولوژی : علمیکه ازوظایف  ساختمان های مختلف بدن موجودات حیه ( جانوران ونباتات)  بحث میکند. دربدن حیوانات سیستمهای مختلف( اسکلت بندی ،عضلات، اعصاب، خون، تنفس، هاضمه، تکثری، اطراحیه، اندوکراین) قرار دارد که ما در این لکچر نوت سعی نموده ایم تا درمورد فیزیولوژی هر یک معلوماتی را ارایه کنیم .

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Boys' breasts

Do boys have breasts?

boys' breastsMany baby boys have some little swellings under their nipples when they are born, and many baby girls do too. This breast tissue is caused by hormones from their mother and it goes away after a few weeks.
Older boys can develop breast tissue as can some older men. Doctors call breast tissue growing on a male 'gynecomastia' (say guy-nee-co-mass-ti-a) and they know that boys can be a bit scared if this is happening to them.
Being overweight can make it seem like boys, or men, have breasts.

Boys, puberty and breasts

When puberty starts, lots of hormones begin working, often boys will develop some breast tissue. They get a slight swelling under the nipples and it can sometimes feel tender or sore.
  • boys' breastsThe breast doesn't grow bigger, but the swelling may hang around for a few years while the boy is going through puberty.
  • Boys may feel very sure that everyone can notice they have 'breasts' but in fact most other people don't notice at all.
  • 65% of boys will have some breast tissue at some time, so if you think you are growing breasts, you are not alone.
  • This breast tissue doesn't stay there and the swelling will all be gone by the age of 20, unless you are overweight.

What you could do

  • Ignore it - mostly other people can't see it, or they will not notice it.
  • Don't wear tight clothes if you are worried that others will notice and tease you.
  • If you feel embarrassed you can always wear a bigger jumper.
  • Wear a swim top or t-shirt when you are swimming (this will help protect you from sunburn too, always a good idea!).
  • Relax - you are not the only one.
  • If you are really worried then ask dad, mum or your carer, to take you for a talk with the doctor - just to put your mind at rest.
Our topic 'Secret boys business' has other information about being a boy that may be helpful to you.

Dr Kim says:

Dr Kim"Of all the changes happening to your body during puberty this is the one that most boys don't know about. Yet more than half of boys will have some development of breast tissue. If you are one of these then don't worry.
With all those hormones racing around inside you it is normal for your nipple to feel tender. It is also normal for the breast tissue to feel like a lump. It is very rare for the lump to be anything bad like cancer.
Talk to dad or a trusted male friend or talk to your doctor. It doesn't mean that you are turning into a girl, it's just those hormones doing their own thing."
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We've provided this information to help you to understand important things about staying healthy and happy. However, if you feel sick or unhappy, it is important to tell your mum or dad, a teacher or another grown-up.

Alcohol - it can affect your life

What is alcohol?

Alcohol is a drug (a chemical that has an effect on the body, and is not a food).
There are different kinds of alcohol.
alcoholThe kind that people drink is called ethyl alcohol.
This is made by fermenting different things with yeast and water.
What is used and the way this is done depends on what kind of drink is being made.
  • Grain makes whisky and beer.
  • Potatoes make vodka
  • Grapes make wine and brandy.
  • Honey makes mead.
  • Sugar makes rum.

How does alcohol affect people?

  1.  small amount of alcohol can make the person feel relaxed.
  2. With more alcohol, people cannot control their behaviour (they may do silly things or be violent), and their movements are more clumsy (uncoordinated).

What happens to alcohol in the body?

  1. Alcohol goes from the mouth to the stomach and small intestine.
  2. It passes through the walls of the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream.
  3. The blood takes the alcohol to the brain where it slows down the messages in the brain (alcohol is a depressant drug).
  4. The blood also takes the alcohol to the liver, which starts to take out the alcohol from the blood. The more alcohol that is drunk the longer it takes for the liver to clean it all out.

Why young people drink alcohol

Many the ads about alcohol show people having fun, surrounded by friends, and give the message that drinking alcohol is super cool.
Many kids would see parents, adults and older young people drinking alcohol as a social thing. It is not surprising that some kids think that drinking alcohol is cool, makes them seem more grown up and is the 'thing to do'.
Some kids may think it is daring to try alcohol and others may feel that they want to be part of the group who are trying alcohol.
The Law in Australia says that children under 18 cannot buy alcohol, or be served with alcohol in a hotel, and they are not allowed to be given alcohol in any public place unless they are given the alcohol by their parent.
There are good reasons for this.
  • A young person's body cannot cope with the effects of alcohol and this may lead to him/her behaving in an unsafe way.
  • Also too much alcohol is a dangerous poison for children. Many very young children have had to go to hospital with alcohol poisoning after they have gone around the house after an adult's party, and 'finished' all the drinks that have been left where they can reach them.
  • If kids start drinking alcohol when they are young or when they are teenagers, they are more likely to drink too much alcohol when they are older.
  • Alcohol can afect the way the brain develops and grows.

Too much alcohol

A standard drink has 10 grams of alcohol in it. The size of a standard drink depends on what the drink is.
  • Spirits, like whisky or vodka, have a lot of alcohol in a small amount so a standard drink is a small amount, about 30 ml.
  • Wine has about 10 grams of alcohol in 100 ml.
  • A light beer has about 10 grams of alcohol in 425ml.
  • Cans and bottles of alcoholic drinks have different amounts of alcohol, depending on the amount of liquid.
The number of standard drinks in a can or bottle is written on the label.
When people have too much alcohol they get sick (and many of them vomit), they are not in full control of their minds and bodies, and they are not able to think clearly or to make good choices (especially about whether it is safe for them to drive).
Some people who have had too much to drink become angry and they can hurt other people, including people in their family.
drinking too much

Keeping yourself safe

You can do this by staying away from alcohol yourself.
Don't get sucked in to trying something which may harm you.
Learn how to say 'no' by:
  • being assertive and saying 'no - I don't drink alcohol'.
  • thinking of reasons like "I don't like the taste, or "I've got to go home/out/shopping now."
  • asking for a soft drink or saying that you are not thirsty
  • suggesting that you do something else like watch a movie, or go for a bike ride
  • calling a parent or carer to come and get you, or going home if you live nearby
  • never getting into a car with a driver who has been drinking.
It is important that you keep yourself safe from the effects of grown-ups' drinking.
Get away from someone who has drunk too much.
Stay close to an adult who you trust if there is alcohol around.
Get help if you feel in danger from someone who has drunk too much at home.

Did you know?

  • Alcohol is the second biggest cause of death from a drug in Australia?
    [Q. Can you guess what drug causes the most deaths?]
    (answer is at the end of this topic)
    road accident
  • Even people who have never had any alcohol can still die from its effects. I wonder if you can guess how that can happen.
  • Alcohol can cause damage to the brain, liver and stomach.
  • People can become alcohol-dependent because it is addictive.
  • Many car accidents involving young drivers are caused by alcohol.
  • People can die from alcohol poisoning when they drink too much alcohol.

Dr Kim says:

Dr Kim"If someone close to you is drinking too much alcohol and making you feel unsafe, then talk to one of your trusted adults about it. Remember that your trusted adults may include mum, dad, grandparents, friends of the family, your teacher or student counsellor. You have the right to feel safe at all times. Help to keep yourself safe by saying no to alcohol yourself and telling people how you feel when others are behaving in a frightening way because of alcohol use."
If you are worried you can ring the Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
If you want to read more have a look at the Teen Health topic Alcohol and young people.

Alcohol's not really cool,It can make you look a fool.Alcohol can change your life,Breaking up a man and wife.Children hurt or even homeless,Alcohol can make life hopeless.When you grow upYou can chooseTo stay drug-freeAnd away from 'booze'.(BH)
(Answer: If you guessed that TOBACCO causes the most deaths then you would be right.)
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We've provided this information to help you to understand important things about staying healthy and happy. However, if you feel sick or unhappy, it is important to tell your mum or dad, a teacher or another grown-up.

Adolescence - what's it about?

An adolescent (say ad-oh-less-ent) is a person who has gone through puberty but is not yet fully mature - in other words, a teenager.

Changes during puberty and adolescence

  • There are lots of changes to your body and to the way that you think and feel during puberty – and there are many topics about this in the section 'Nearly teens'.
  • These changes don't stop when you reach about 13 or 14. You will continue to develop physically and mentally in many ways until you are an adult.
  • Even adults continue to change the ways they think and behave for all of their lives! You will go on trying new things and learning all the time.
    party all night and sleep all day!!

Changes in the way you think - cognitive (say cog-nit-iv) changes

making decisionsYoung people have to start making decisions for themselves - so they need to develop their decision making skills.
  • They can start to work out what they want, what they need to do to get it, what problems might occur and ways of solving those problems.
  • They can understand better how their decisions might affect other people.
  • They also need to take responsibility for their actionsin a way which children are not able to do.
Topics such as What to do - making decisions and Getting clever may be helpful.

Changes in your feelings - emotional changes

Teenagers often seem to be 'moody'.
  • learning about your own identityYou are becoming more sensitive to your own feelings and the feelings of others.
  • You are learning about your own sexuality.
  • You are learning about your own identity - who you are.
  • You are learning to accept and adapt to your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You are learning to relate to others in grown up ways.
  • You are learning that you really cannot have your own way all the time.
  • You are learning that you are not yet fully grown up, and you still have to do things that you are asked to do by your parents and your teachers. There are still 'rules'.
This can be challenging and even frustrating, which can make you irritable and a bit hard to live with at times - both for yourself and those who are closest to you!  
there are still rules
Some topics you might find interesting:

Social changes - changes in how you see family and friends

For adolescents, friends and peers are really important.
Your family is still a big part of your life - after all they will always be there while friendships will come and go. However you will look more towards your friends for support, to talk over problems and spend more time with them. You may want to have a special boyfriend or girlfriend.
Some topics you might find interesting
getting long with your parentsTeenagers start to question what adults say and do, which can be a bit difficult for both teenagers and the adults in their lives. Getting along with your parents can become trickier. There is a topic Relationships with parents – working it out which could be useful. Respect and good manners are really important if you want to have good relationships with people.   

Problems in adolescence

With all these changes happening in a few short years there is a very good chance that every teenager will have problems from time to time.
It is really important that you have the support you need when you run into problems. You may be able to get that support from friends, but often it will be good to have an adult to talk things through with.
speak to a trusted adultDuring your time in primary school you will have talked about 'trusted adults'. They are people you know have your best interests at heart because they care about you. They could be your parents or caregivers, other family members such as an older brother or sister or grandparent, teachers, school counsellors, personal tutors, sports coaches or a neighbour. These people are still important supports for teenagers, just as they are for children.
There are many topics on the Teen Health section of this site which have ideas about how to get through difficult times. Perhaps look at the sections Relationships and Society and you.

Dr Kate says

Dr KateWhen you are an adolescent you will;
  • become more independent from your parents or caregivers 
  • work out who you are - your identity
  • find out more about your sexuality
  • learn about values and how you affect the people in your life as well as how they affect you
  • learn the skills you need to be able to find and keep a job and be independent.
There are a whole lot of changes to cope with as you move from being a dependent child to becoming an independent adult. The good thing is that all adults have been through these changes so keep talking to your trusted adults and they will understand - even if they seem quite old! (Well at least on the 'outside'.)
Mum - can I talk to you about....
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We've provided this information to help you to understand important things about staying healthy and happy. However, if you feel sick or unhappy, it is important to tell your mum or dad, a teacher or another grown-up.

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